WordPress Integration

If you have a WordPress website, you can use our plugin to connect one of your EasyContent projects to it, allowing you to sync your articles between them.

We will be covering plugin installation and configuration in this help article. We have a separate article about syncing your articles between WordPress and EasyContent here.

Installing EasyContent WordPress Plugin

To get started, you have to install our WordPress plugin. To do that:

  1. Login to your WordPress website and go to Plugins > Add New in the dashboard.
  2. In the search bar, type "EasyContent". The first result should be the correct plugin (refer to the image below to ensure you're installing the correct one).
  3. Click Install Now then Activate the plugin and you're ready to connect your site!

Get Your API Key

You can generate an API key by going to the Integrations page. Note that this page is only accessible to users with the manage integrations permission.

Once you're on the page, click the Create New API Key button on the upper left area of the page.

In the modal that appears, select the project you want to connect to your WordPress site, then add that site's URL in the Website URL field (make sure you include the https:// or http:// part of your URL). Once you're done, click Add.

After a few moments, a notice containing your API key will appear. Make a copy of this key somewhere safe as it will only be displayed once.

Now that you have the key, head back to your WordPress site. If you've already installed and activated the EasyContent plugin, you should see a new item in the WordPress admin sidebar menu called "EasyContent". Go here and paste your API key in the input field.

Click Save Changes. If your API key is valid, you should see a success message similar to the one below.

You've now successfully connected your WordPress site to one of your EasyContent projects!

Publishing Options

After successfully connecting a project to your WordPress site, additional plugin options will unlock. One of these new options is the Publishing Options. This defines how content items from EasyContent are published to your WordPress site.

  • Post author - defines who will be credited as the author of content items that came from EasyContent.
  • Post type - you can choose between post and page. If you chose the page post type, the section for mapping categories will become unavailable.
  • Post status - you can set what post status a content item will be assigned to when synced or pulled from EasyContent. Note that it will not affect its workflow status in EasyContent.
  • Comment status - you can set whether you want to allow comments or not on articles pulled from EasyContent.

Category Mapping

You can map EasyContent categories to WordPress categories. In the example below, if an item is in the Content Marketing category in EasyContent and then you push it to WordPress, it will be assigned to the Content category in WordPress.

This mapping also affects articles you push to EasyContent.

For example, if you have an article in your WordPress site that's not on EasyContent, you can "push" it, or in other words, upload it to EasyContent so that it would be added to your list of content items.

Let's say this article belongs to the Content category in WordPress. If we take a look at our example above, we can see that it's mapped to the Content Marketing category in EasyContent. When you upload this article to EasyContent, it will be assigned to the Content Marketing category.

SEO Settings

This page displays compatible SEO plugins with EasyContent. Currently, we support both Yoast SEO and All-in-One SEO Pack. If you have neither of those installed and you visit this page, it will display a notification telling you about these plugins.

If you have one of them installed, this page will notify you that everything is set up and you don't have to do anything else. It also means that our plugin successfully recognized that you have one of the mentioned plugins installed.

If you have either Yoast SEO or All-in-One SEO pack installed and this page still says that you need them for the SEO settings to function properly, then there may be something wrong.

First, make sure that the plugins are not only installed but are also activated. Second, make sure that only one and not both of them are activated. If this issue still persists, you can try reinstalling the SEO plugins.

If those steps didn't solve the problem, feel free to contact us and we'll do our best to help you.

Image Processing

The image processing options allow you to configure the maximum dimensions of images pulled from EasyContent to your WordPress site.

There are three options you can configure here:

  • Enable image resizing - this enables the plugin's built-in image resizing function. Note that only images that came from EasyContent will be resized and not the ones you upload directly to WordPress.
  • Max image dimensions - allows you to set the maximum dimensions for your images. You can set a maximum width and height and the image will resize accordingly while maintaining the original aspect ratio.
  • JPEG compression level - you can set values anywhere from 1 and 100. Lower values reduce file size but also reduces your image's quality. Higher values result in larger file size, but in return, images will have better quality. We recommend setting this to 90 but feel free to tweak it based on your needs.

Import from EasyContent

This page displays all content items from the connected project and allows you to import them to the WordPress site.

  1. Refresh all data - this refreshes the item list to display recent additions to the content items. Every time you assign, claim, or cancel a content item in EasyContent, you should use refresh all data to update the article list and their workflow statuses in WordPress.
  2. Import selected items - should be self-explanatory. You can select items using the checkboxes.
  3. Change status on import - lets you auto change the item(s)'s workflow status in EasyContent upon importing.
  4. Search and Filtering options - helps you easily find an item. You can search by name, workflow, sync status, etc.
  5. Content item list - this table shows you all current items on the content items page of the connected project. This doesn't automatically update on its own, so you will have to use refresh all data to see new changes.

Content Item List

The content item list has five different columns:

  1. EC Topic Name - is the content item's brief title in EasyContent.
  2. EC Title - is the content item's title as it appears in the Main tab.
  3. Updated - reflects the content item's last update time in EasyContent.
  4. EC Status - reflects the content item's current workflow status in EasyContent.
  5. Last Synced - displays the last time this content item is synced to or from WordPress. You can click on this to go to the post editor for the corresponding article if it's already synced at least once.

Connecting Your Project to a New Website

If you are moving your project to a new website, you need to delete the API key and create a new one.

Copy the new key and then log in to the new website, install the EasyContent plugin, and input your API key. You'll need to reconfigure the plugin to match your previous settings. Once done, you're all set.

Next, learn how to push and pull individual articles between WordPress and EasyContent here.